The IAB has been formed to guide the GSM Symposium in technical and policy matters. According to the various tasks, further distinguished experts will be invited to join the IAB.
Davor Bošnjak, HEP, Croatia
Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou, NTUA, Greece
VRP DEDDHE, Electrical and Computer Engineering -
Prof. Christoph Imboden, HSLU, Switzerland (Chair)
Power Economy -
Ivana Kockar, University of Strathclyde, UK
Institute for Energy & Environment -
Thomas Kudela, Ørsted A/S, Denmark
Distribution & Customer Solutions -
Dr. Michael Moser, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Scientific Advisor
Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci, Uni Bologna, Italy
Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering -
Dr. Bastian Schwark, Swissgrid AG, Switzerland
Andreas Svendstrup-Bjerre, BattMan Energy ApS, Denmark
Industry, Battery Systems -
Sebastian Ziegler, 50 Hertz, Germany
Please contact us*, if you are interested in the international network of GSM experts
and would like to support the GSM symposium with your expertise and experience * or